Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Back to Eden Update (1)

     This post is specifically for Arla, since she specifically asked for it. :-)
      Last week we finally got summer sunshine. Most of the month of June was cold and wet. It was that way so long that only the worst of whiners were still whining; everyone else was resigned. And then there were some of us who finally lost all hope and started to complain for the first time. But finally it got nice and hot and now everyone is happy. Except for those who don't like it hot.
     We didn't one day go out and plant the whole garden. Jay has been planting different crops all spring and summer. Most things are doing well. There were some brassicas (broccoli,  cauliflower,  kohlrabi, ) that got too cold and never took off. Today I found the cure for them. Feed them to the chickens. I don't like to see an unhealthy plant; it makes me feel bad, like a failure.  But on the positive side, I've harvested two very nice heads of broccoli.  And there will be more soon.
      The beans are looking pretty good, in spite of the fact that there seems to be a rodent doing some "logging".  Does anyone else know about this? Three inch bean plants being chewed off? They grow again, but those poor little plants do make me feel bad.
     The tomatoes are doing very well in the greenhouse. They are sprawling all over and putting on fruit. We also have basil and cilantro growing in there.  I love having them fresh!
     So, all in all all is well. 
      I LOVE MULCH.  I used to look at the gardens with a sinking heart because of the weeds. My favorite flower bed demanded one whole day a week to keep it decent. Of course it never got that. Now I can get around to the big flowerbed, the picture window flowerbed, and the herb garden in one day. And then I can enjoy them for two or three weeks before I have too weed again.
     The test on moisture retention is yet to come. The "Back to Eden" theory claims no need to water. I know we'll water less, but no water? We shall see.


  1. Thanks, April for letting me see, again. It's all very nice. The weedless thing is rather impressive. I would be with you about the question of enough moisture. Maybe after the bottom layer started to rot like it should there will be better retention. Does Livvy really feel like she has the world by the tail all the time like she looks?

  2. I just thought of the best plan yet for weeds. (Kidding here.) It is to ignore them. We are run by our gardens, by our choice of course. Lately, after weeding quite a lot, and without mulch being part of it, I am concluding that if you aren't doing mulch, you sure better learn how to ignore at least some of the weeds. Otherwise there would be no time for fb. Or blogging. Or gmailing. Or doing writing class, or taking walks, or visiting friends, or enjoying life outside the garden.
